Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009
The Hobson House on Bond Street

Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Blue Scorcher: A bakery/cafe with a big difference

Here's a review and some photos by someone who loved it.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Since 1886

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
It's a jumble out there

In the downtown area, each block you walk away from the river takes you up to yet another "viewing platform" level. There are no platforms, only sidewalks, but it's like climbing any mountain where you keep turning around to see the view below. I took this photo from Duane Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets. All day long we had drenching rain punctuated by sun breaks. I especially love looking at the bright orange ships in this weather. Still, the color hasn't come out right; getting the orange to appear as it does in real life has been a big challenge. I'm still working on it! It's simply a joy to look at them in the changing light.
The distance in this photo is extremely truncated due to the long zoom. The river is about four miles wide here, and yet the hills in Washington look so close. So does the ship, although it's quite far out in the river.
Most of the cars you see are parked on Marine Drive. Beyond the hedge and invisible in this photo, is the River Walk, which passes in front of the red and gray buildings. The red building is the old radio tower building, built in the 1950s, and re-sided and re-windowed in 2007. I lease the downstairs for my shop, while the landlord keeps the apartment above. Online, the store is called Tapir and Friends Wildlife World, but the more accessible local name is The Animal Store. (I thought it would be easier for people to remember who had no association to tapirs.) In the cyberworld, it doesn't matter so much. They look up "toy aardvark" or whatever on Google, and they find us (often at the top of the page). Most of our business is done online and the post office picks up from us every day. We like the locals and tourists dropping in, but if I'd been planning on making a living from local traffic I'd have had to locate on Commercial Avenue. The gray building the right of us is Englund Marine, now vacant because they moved into a huge new building in the harbor area at the west end of town. Eventually, their building will make way for condos. It will probably be a nice building, but nobody with a view over the top of that area is looking forward to the day. Local ordinances going back to the 1800s give the property owners (actually 99-year lessees) the right to build far out into the water, so local committees are working with the owners to create as much visual and functional quality along the river as possible for the public, even when new buildings are put in.
In this photo, Commercial Avenue is represented on the left by a gray building (The Garment Gallery) and on the far right by the very front edge of Area Properties. In the middle is a parking lot, which is why I was able to get this view straight through to the water.
. My World Tuesday
Monday, October 26, 2009
Screaming scarlet bushes

One of the rail lines you see in both photos is for the much-used Astoria Riverfront Trolley. The other line hasn't been used for awhile. They resurrected it a couple of years ago for several Amtrak passenger cars that ran between Astoria and Portland (2 hours by car). It was a great idea if you wanted to come from Portland to Astoria for the day or a couple of days, but the sceduling and logistics were a mess if you wanted to go from Astoria and spend the day in Portland. The timing was all wrong, and it made for an expensive proposition since you would almost have to stay overnight in Portland if you lived in Astoria. Daytripping was virtually ruled out unless you wanted to ride the train, turn around and come right back. Maybe they'll plan it better next time. We all loved the idea.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Is this normal?

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Inside/Outside at Coffee Girl

Take a look at Floral Friday to see more nice flowers from around the globe :)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tails tell tales

In case you wondered, I spent a few days in Portland. I expected to post from there, but it didn't work out, so I'm playing catch-up today, which is actually late on October 25th. I'm looking forward to visiting your posts for the weekend and making comments, although it may not happen till morning!
~ Sheryl
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Bridge, river, gulls, ship

It looks like we have a cruise ship in today. The Riverfront Trolley is running, and it's full of tourists taking one of the changeable moods of Astoria, Oregon.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Autumn leaves, sun break, designer coffee

I took this photo during a brief "sun break" (those few moments of sunshine on our typical overcast days) just across Young's Bay in Warrenton. I had never heard of a "sun break" until I moved to the Pacific Northwest (PNW). I rarely see any cars at this coffee kiosk, but they must get enough traffic during peak hours to keep them going. Not visible from this angle, a huge sign on the top says, simply, "ESPRESSO." Astoria has some wonderfully unique coffee places, and I'll try to feature them this season.
Drive-up kiosks for designer coffee was also a new concept for me when I moved here in 2001. I don't know when they began in the PNW (although I believe this is their genesis), but I'd seen my first one in Clifton, Western Colorado, in 2001 before moving here. I never saw anyone buying coffee from it, and I thought it was just someone's crazy idea for a business that was going to fail. Granted, I didn't usually pass buy during rush hour. Imagine my surprise when I moved to the PNW and found that these coffee stands breed like rabbits and people use them in droves. You can order custom blends and sizes with an astounding array of words I'd never heard or associated together until I came here.
I realize the trend is no longer local. Does your town or city offer drive-through designer coffee? What's your poison?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009

As I said, we're looking eastward, upriver. The hills are all in Washington, while the foreground is in Oregon. The white roof at the bottom of the photo is the Maritime Museum. The lump of land sticking way out on the far peninsula is Tongue Point, visible in a number of photos, including this one taken at the Maritime Museum showing the lightship Columbia, which is half visible at the very bottom of the photo.
The first structure towards the viewer from Tongue Point is Pier 39, just at the top of the double basins made from jetties that create East Mooring Basin. Pier 39 appeared in a number of posts: Pier 39, the kayak place, and Bumblebee Seafoods. Showing East Mooring Basin itself are several other posts, including this pink sunset with fishing boats, my sea lion post, and this photo from last May.
Moving closer again to the viewer, the big red building sticks out into the water all on its own. Here's a photo of it from July. The River Walk runs the entire length of the river's shore here (and much further "down"). In fact, most of the downtown area is below the bottom of this picture. In the middle of the long stretch of River Walk, you see a round pool in the land area. This is called Mill Pond, and I don't have any photos yet. It connects to the Columbia River via a very short waterway, and in the past it was actually the pond for a large lumber mill. Now there are new houses surrounding the pond, and some are built on stilts over the pond's edge. The water birds enjoy the pond, and I'll try and take some interesting photos before long.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
House on a hill

I come to this neighborhood often, and on October 13th, I especially liked the way the light brightened the house and the dark clouds beyond added some drama. That little bit of blue hill to the left of the house is on the Washington side of the Columbia River. You can barely see a few fall colors in the branches. The leaves are changing, and I'll take some pix of them this coming week.
Does anyone know a name for the style of this house? The words that comes to mind are "bungalow" and "cottage," but I don't know how technical these terms are. It was probably built in the 1920s or '30s. I was inside the house one time, and it has some elements of Arts and Crafts or Craftsman Style, but it also has a lot of elements you don't usually see in traditional Craftsman Style houses. The exterior of the house is made of stucco, which is unusual here, as most Astoria houses are sided with wood. Anyway, it's always looked cozy, and it has a glorious view unobscured by wires.
10th street,
dark sky,
harrison street,
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Two canoes: one for the sea, one for the river

For more pictures of Fort Clatsop and the trail in the woods, see this post with photos I took in 2001.
Friday, October 16, 2009
National Geographic's "Sea Bird"

The dull colors you see in these photos reflect our recent weather: lots of rain and low clouds. In this photo you can actually see more variety in the sky than usual. As I look out the window this morning, it's a flat gray and the horizon is barely visible. Happy Skywatch Friday.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The big drip, part 2

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Lewis & Clark's canoe landing

Stepping out of dense woods onto the river at this point presents a rewarding view, so beautifully contrasted yet integral with the vegetation of the forest. The rigidly regular pilings you see in the distance are the remnants of a large lumber industry in past decades. Kayakers still use the river, and I'm sure it's used by fishermen as well. The day I was there, several people were paddling their way up the river in kayaks, making an interesting continuum to the history that was on my mind.
. For more photos of water, please visit Watery Wednesday and follow the links.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Guest photographer: Laurel and the Great Columbia Crossing 2009

For two hours on a Sunday morning each year, the one lane of the two-lane Astoria-Megler Bridge is closed to cars, and walkers and runners make the crossing. The bridge itself spans just over 4 miles, but the route is just over 6 miles due to the start and finish points being well beyond where the bridge meets the riverbank. The hills in the background are in Washington, the state line is somewhere in the midst of the river, and in this photo the pack is getting ready to climb the 200-foot hill that makes it possible for ships to go under the bridge. The photo is by Laurel's friend Bonnie, who you'll see on her blog. My thanks for the use of the photo, and please check out Laurel's blog for a stunning sunrise and some interesting and amusing photos and commentary on the crossing. When asked by phone how it was, her first word was, "Cold." Note that she's wearing a tank top, and there's good reason why everyone else is in winter clothing!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Lewis & Clark's Fort Clatsop, life-size replica

If you've ever been to Fort Apache, Fort Vancouver, or just about any other preserved or rebuilt frontier fortress, you'll find Fort Clatsop very small. There are six rooms, each with several bunks, a fireplace, and a rough-hewn table and benches. There's also a small indoor area for food storage. It's quite sparse, but in a weird way, inviting and almost comfortable-looking. I don't know if Lewis and Clark felt the same way about it. I do know they thought it was a very long winter, and it rained all but 12 of the days they spent there. One of the great things about visiting this fort is, you won't find any chained barriers or "Keep Out" signs (except for the food-storage room, which is closed off by a half-door). At least most of the time you can walk through the rooms and get the look and feel of the entire place.
October 4th was my first visit to Fort Clatsop after the fire of October 3, 2005 burned it to the ground just about a month before the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial festivities began - featuring, of course, the fort. More than 700 volunteers helped rebuild the replica, and it was dedicated on December 9, 2006. Meanwhile, events that had been planned for the location had to be held elsewhere. To me, it looked identical to the 1955 replica, but the fire and rebuilding did give historians a chance to make minor changes based on things they had learned since the original replica was built.
I have more photos, so stay tuned.
More info: Wikipedia
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Captain George Flavel House

I wanted to share another comment by Mom of Three on yesterday's post: "Which begs the question: Top 10 Uninhabited Astoria Buildings that you'd like to break into--not for harm, just for a tour. Now that the Flavels are both in Portland care homes, what I would give to skulk around that house on 15th. I wouldn't steal a thing, either, just look and look and look. And the place on 17th. Which others??"
Mom. We'll have to talk about this. Send me e-mail, photos if you'd like to have them used as a guest photographer, or links to any of the houses you like if you've got them on your blog. You can find me at oregontapir at yahoo.com. Thanks for your contributions so far :)
. A tour inside from my personal blog, 2001 (old camera)
. Facade with June flowers, 2008
. From my Picasa album, various years (incomplete)
. On Waymarking.com
. Astoria, Oregon - Places by Robert D. West (scroll down to #5)
. Wikipedia
. Found on Flickr
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Carriage house at 17th and Jerome

These are not fall colors. I took this photo on the same day in May as I took the pictures for yesterday's post. The lighting makes all the difference. The potting shed or tool shed is also interesting in that it is not separate from the house at all, but (speaking of corner cupolas) wraps itself around the corner of the house, covering part of two walls. It's all so intriguing, and I love the colors.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Corner cupola on 17th and Jerome

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Corner cupola . . . what's the story?

The steeple in the distance was featured in this earlier post. It's worth a look if you haven't seen it (or just want to see it again). It's lovely and intriguing.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Swooping like waves

The museum contains world-class exhibits and a nice gift shop, and owns several real buoys and lightship, which you can tour. There is also a dock where real ships tie up. Here are some glimpses of the museum and grounds during the arrival of a cruise ship not long ago. I'm looking forward to going inside again, and I'll be sure to take you along.
The pavement on the right is actually part of Astoria's River Walk.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
The other side of the tracks
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Outside in

For more photos featuring reflections, take a look at Weekend Reflections.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
End of summer

Some people complain that winter brings rain, and that we have all too much of it, but I look forward to winter, too. The visiting crowds thin out, the pilings turn green again, and the skies are brightened with the most amazing sunsets. We even have a number of bright t-shirt days. At the moment, however, toes and noses are pretty cold.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Clouds over the Columbia

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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