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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Scotch Broom in Warrenton

Scotch Broom in Warrenton, Oregon Warrenton, Oregon ~ April 15, 2010

Although I took this photo on April 15th, it could almost have been taken today. The Scotch broom is still blossoming toward its full strength. While it's quite beautiful and adds plenty of color to the landscape, it's an invasive species, and a particularly disastrous one. In my May 17 post last year, I featured the plant and talked about some of its incredible cost to the state. A student won an award for discovering a process for using Scotch broom for biofuel, and I wonder if anyone's using the process yet. Read all about it via links in the post of May 17, 2009.

This photo shows some marshy land near the shopping center just over the Young's Bay Bridge in Warrenton. The flat line on the green horizon is a berm separating this patch of land from the real wetlands at the edge of the Columbia River. I discovered how to get onto the berm without going through stickery berry bushes, so I'll try to show some pix from that angle before long.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


cieldequimper said...

I love this golden Scotch broom, I hope it isn't going to end up endangered. This looks like a lovely place for a walk. The real question is: before or after the shopping centre?!

Sorry about L&C!

B SQUARED said...

We have lots of invasive species here. as well. They are causing lots of problems.

Lowell said...

Never heard of Scotch broom. Looks pretty but as we know looks can be deceiving!

In Florida and throughout the southeast, we got kudzu, which is awful stuff and almost impossible to get rid of...

tessa said...

Beautiful but really makes you sneeze!

Anonymous said...

Scotch Broom is just starting to make its way into our little corner of the world - it's already a huge problem in Estacada where my aunt lives.

It really does have beautiful blossoms, so full of yellow color. Some of the flowers around here are tipped in purple. Quite attractive.

But looks are deceiving. Beware the Scotch Broom.

Lowell said...

Yes, Sheryl...Cedar Key got as cold or colder than we did. We were there over Xmas in 1989 and it was freezing!

You'd be more than welcome!

Francisca said...

The Upper Levels Highway in West Vancouver, where I lived a few of my teen years, has been loaded with broom for decades. I always enjoyed seeing it on the drive into town. Didn't have a clue it was a nuisance. What a pity.

Don and Krise said...

As pretty as some people think Scotch Broom is, as a kid I suffered with hay fever and this was one of the causes. I lived right next door to a field of the stuff. Luckily I outgrew it, but anyone that has lived around it knows what a pest it is.

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