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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Open your eyes and say, "Aaaah."

Tyack Dental Group, Railroad Tracks and the River Walk, Astoria, Oregon
When you get your teeth cleaned at Tyack Dental Group in Astoria, you get the benefit of a view from the chair. One of these tracks is where the Riverfront Trolley runs now that Amtrack and freight trains don't come to the mouth of the Columbia any longer. It was another mostly-gray day, but it didn't rain. The location is 30th Street, and the paved path between the tracks and the water is the River Walk. The catwalk to the left of the tree goes out to "Big Red."

For you sunset fans . . . I was away last Friday night and I missed this, but Laurel captured one of those Astoria sunsets we all look forward to. Seems we've had very few of them this year with all the rain and low clouds. This one is a winner.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


Lowell said...

Wonderfully composed...those tracks just force your eye down to where they converge. Love the colors, too. What a great place to wander about and take pictures! How do you get any work done at all?

And kudos to Laurel - that's a super sunset shot!

VP said...

I'm saying "Aaaah" safely at a distance. A wonderful perspective worthy of a trip to the dentist!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think that would be worth the dental visit!!! Except for the dentist part.

I looked at your friend's sunset pictures - spectacular!!! Don't worry, yours will come soon! I hear we're in for some fairly decent weather. Coast as well!

Lee Spangler said...

Seems like so many people enjoy a stroll down railroad tracks. I wonder why.

cieldequimper said...


(I seem to never see the end of dental work...)

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