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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Guessing Game

The Towboat _Maverick_ on the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon Does anyone know what this is?

The Towboat _Maverick_ on the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon How about now?

The Towboat _Maverick_ on the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon Got it yet? If you think it's stuff piled on a dock, think again.

The Towboat _Maverick_ on the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon
Do you see it now? The cut pieces of rubber tires make up the bumpers on the front of the towboat, "Maverick."

As I was walking between my office and the Wheelhouse to get coffee and lunch, I notice the Tidewater Barge Lines towboat tied up at the 14th Street pier. It's always fun to see the boats up close, and this was a rare chance to get a good look. It doesn't stay here long. The last time I spied it, it was just taking off back into the river. Usually there's no boat here at the old ferry landing.

The Towboat _Maverick_ on the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon You can see that old pieces of rubber tire are also used on the stern.

The Towboat _Maverick_ on the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon These are just bonus pictures that have nothing to do with the rubber tires. I liked the rope in different colors, although it lost some brilliance being photographed against the black of the deck.

The Towboat _Maverick_ on the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon Tidewater Barge Lines . . .

The Towboat _Maverick_ on the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon
The Towboat _Maverick_ on the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon As I was leaving, I noticed another towboat, very similar, coming up the river pushing a barge. And now . . . time for coffee and lunch.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


Small City Scenes said...

Excellent use of old tires. I love the boats too and seeing them up close is a bonus. MB

cieldequimper said...

I didn't guess 100% ;-) but I did think it had something to do with a boat, I was thinking more in terms of buffers. Your towboats amaze me!

Unknown said...

I guessed it when I saw the second shot! :-)

VP said...

I missed this completely, I have never seen anything like this. A really fascinating reportage.

Lee Spangler said...

another excellent post where usually unnoticeable detail tells an interesting story.

Francisca said...

I wonder what it says about my brain that I knew what it was before I even saw the question... [don't answer that]... and then I wondered, where is she going with this? Nice series... Enjoy your lunch.

Anonymous said...

Okay I was stumped at first - it looked like a huge pile of roofing shingles! Then it all made sense - I've seen those same types of bumpers used on the barges that go up the Columbia past The Dalles.

A 'well duh' moment to be sure.

I really love that first shot. It's so very artistic!!!

Yukinori Katayama said...

very, very interesting!

raf said...

What better recyle use for old tires than bumpers that will give many more years of service in their new form. Great post all around Tapirgirl!

paul said...

Interesting sequence and fun guessing game!

kyungmee said...

how cool!!! I couldn't guess. Very cool.Great images..especially up close! Hope all is well your way:))

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