Monday, May 31, 2010
Adventures on 8th Street

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Shadows and Reflections

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Animal Planter
I've enjoyed looking at this planter in the grassy median ever since I first noticed it. I don't know how old it is, but I hope it's around for awhile longer. I'm not sure how long that will be, since it has clearly been affected by the wet environment. The planter was made with nice colors, and it features animals of our maritime area.
The median separates 6th Street from Pacific Drive and stops at Lake Street, just beyond the planter. Not that I would have known any of these street names. It's across from the mini storage on one corner, the mini mart on another corner, and is at one of the entrances to Ft. Stevens State Park. I'm actually not sure if the location is Hammond or Warrenton, but if you know the area, you will know where it is. There are small stores where you can buy bait and tackle, and various things needed for an outing in the park or a fishing trip on the river or ocean. Can anyone tell me if this is officially Hammond or Warrenton?
I've found myself taking so many photos of animal art "along the way" over the years, that I finally started a blog for - yes - Animal Art Along the Way. It's not brand new. I'm up to 107 posts now, and it's an *almost* daily blog. I'm sure that parts of this planter will appear there soon.
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Goonies' 25th Anniversary Celebration: June 3-7, Astoria, Oregon
This is the place. I found out the other day that headquarters - or The Goondocks, as they're calling it - will be in the old Englund Marine building right next door to my shop at 15th Street and the River Walk. Does that mean there will be 30 people converging on the nextdoor parking lot? 300? 3,000? I have no idea, but I'll definitely keep you posted. Today's photo is the window of Englund Marine. (I've left the image large so you can read the poster if you click on the image.) With the "We've Moved" sign removed from the glass, the empty store will come alive for the long weekend, and will be the location for ticket sales, souvenirs, and treasure maps. June 3 to 7 will will be festive and interesting around here, I'm sure. I'll keep my camera at the ready. You can read more about events and plans on this web site.
By the way, the reflections in the window are Hunt's Furniture Store (in front; now under new ownership and renamed Roby's Furniture and Appliance), and Owens-Adair Apartments (the taller building in the back with a pointed roof), a care and housing facility for seniors. It was at one time St. Mary's Hospital, now in a much bigger building a few blocks away. If you look again, you might see the looming shape of the photographer.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Red, White, and Blue?
The violet rhodies at the southwest corner of the Astoria Post Office are almost in full bloom. As you can see, the red ones in front have about disappeared. I've been musing on the fact that the scheme at the post office seems to be vaguely red, white, and blue, with violet covering for blue. There are at least six or seven bushes around the front of the post office making up what looks at first glance like two huge bushes, and I'll show others in upcoming posts.
The shelter across the street at the corner of the courthouse is a memorial to (or display of) one of the area's lumbered old-growth trees. It's hard to photograph with the strong lights and darks, but I'll post it one of these days with good or bad photos. The corner is 7th and Commercial.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Flavel House Garden in Bloom
The Flavel House garden is absolutely gorgeous this year with azaleas, rhododendrons, irises, and other flowers I can't name. For those unfamiliar with the location, the houses you see here are private homes on the other side of Exchange Street. The gables on these Victorian homes look unusual to me. They make me think of farm houses from the Midwest. If anyone can tell me more about the style, I'd be interested.
If you liked Monday's post about the whaling ship Tom & Al that had a number of interesting careers, check back and see the five new links at the end contributed by Midnight Mike. They show the ship in use as a whaler and also as the pilot boat Columbia. Nice photos. Mike also made some interesting comments about the people he knew who were involved in whaling. Have you ever had a whale burger?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Lots of Lines

The rock says:

Monday, May 24, 2010
History in Hammond

The connection to my family is that during the rescue in Alaska, the King and Winge struggled with packed ice and bad weather along with the Revenue Cutter (later Coast Guard Cutter) Bear to effect a rescue of survivors of the then-famous Stafansson expedition. This took place in 1914, two years before grandfather, Clement Joseph Todd, was assigned as Executive Officer to the Bear in 1916 for two trips to Alaska and Siberia. The link to his name gives a taste of his experience, which was posted by The Bancroft Library from a booklet my grandmother typed up from letters and photos that he sent home. Just because I was on the track and doing research, I thought I'd post several pictures of the Bear that I found online.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Mini Fort Clatsop Tot Lot at Tapiola Park
A few years ago, businesses and individuals in Astoria got together and created this wonderful playground. Laurel and I have walked through the area for older children and now Laurel and Teagan enter the Tot Lot designated for kids ages 2 to 5. It's nicely designed, and even at just under a year and a half, Teagan was able to use most of the play areas and wear himself out.
Tapiola Park is located on the Young's Bay side of the Astoria hill just across the street from the bay. Wooden play structures reflect aspects of the area. You'll find a Victorian house, the Riverfront Trolley, wooden salmon, and a fishing boat, along with the tot-friendly "Fort Clatsop." The real Fort Clatsop is on the other side of the bay. Charming tiles on the entrance to the Tot Lot show the plants and flowers as Meriwether Lewis might have drawn them. Just a few yards up the hill is the skateboard park where I took this photo.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Guessing Game

Friday, May 21, 2010
Growing Like A Weed
Have you noticed how fast everything is growing now? Flowers are flowering, bushes are bushing, the grass is as high as an elephant's eye, and the weeds are going crazy. Here James chops and prunes in the garden of a home in Alderbrook, the segment of Astoria at the far east end of town. It's a lot of work. If you'd like to call someone rather than do it yourself, you can call Cody Carpenter and his sidekick, James, at Timberland Lawn Care & Home Maintenance: (503) 440-2480. They have a whole list of services, and they give free estimates. Check 'em out.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Stormy Weather
It's rare to see Young's Bay whipped into such a frenzy. The waves are not huge, but . . .
. . . since this is a river bay with a limited distance for the wind to create waves, it's not every day that we see them like this. I liked this angle with the sun on spring poppies and the winter-like storm.
This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Biggest Rhododendron Bush in Astoria
Lee pointed out this rhododendron bush at 15th Street and Exchange as being the biggest rhodie in town. I don't think I'd disagree. It seems the colors tend to bloom at different times. The reds and salmon came out first, then the various pinks and whites. There are some purple rhodies I'm keeping my eye on for future blog posts. They are almost ready. On a rainy day like today with gray skies the past two days, it's good to remember that we sometimes see such a stunningly beautiful, unpolluted blue up above.
The building behind the rhododendron is Angel Medical.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Bronze Map at the Astoria Column
One of the things you can do at the Astoria Column is to study the bronze relief map on the walkway leading do the column. The text on the map gives interesting notations, such as how far it is to this place or that. From this angle, looking north, we're seeing at the Columbia River and the hills of Washington in the background. You can barely see the Washington side of the bridge on the left. The map tells us that the base of the column is 595 feet above sea level.

Monday, May 17, 2010
Second Sunday Market of 2010

The neon sign on the white building at 14th Street and Duane says, "The Banker's Suite, Bank, Ballroom." I didn't know the building when it began as a bank, but I've heard and danced to a rock band there, and I got wonderful treatment when it was a day spa. This web site will tell you everything . . . and don't miss the snazzy upstairs. In Astoria? Are you kidding?
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A Luscious Italianate Victorian on Harrison Street
Bob and Roger have put countless hours of their own time as well as lots of money into their project of restoring their historic Italianate Victorian home on Harrison Street between 10th and 11th Streets. The inside has undergone at least as much restoration as the outside, and this year the house is the recipient of one of the coveted Dr. Edward Harvey Historic Preservation Awards (or Harvey Awards for short). The recipients are given a framed certificate from the mayor; the awards were created to "celebrate the best in preservation by individual property owners" according to the Daily Astorian. Bob and Roger did a lot of research as well as hard work. I remember a special trip to San Francisco to get exactly the right gold paint for some of the trim. This house is often open to the public as part of official home tours.
You can also see in this photo some of the issues that owners of older homes have to contend with on Astoria's hills. Cracks in the retaining walls are always something to be considered! And, historic houses like this are bound by strict rules when it comes to preserving the original character and materials. I know very little about this aspect, but I'm sure that many readers will know what I'm talking about.
What caught my attention about the house in yesterday's sunlight was actually the gorgeous purple azaleas at the foot of the steps. I noticed them from up the street where they were not in competition with any other colors, since I viewed them with the neighboring retaining wall blocking the colors of the house.
Congratulations, Bob and Roger! You certainly deserved this award.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Perspective 2: Crossing the Bar

Friday, May 14, 2010