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Monday, April 26, 2010

A Closer View of Young's Bay Bridge

Young's Bay Bridge - crossing between Warrenton and Astoria, Oregon Yesterday I was the passenger, so I managed to get a shot that wasn't totally blurred or with the top of the bridge out of the frame. Although there are places to pull over, the bridge is narrow and I'm not sure whether stopping in a non-emergency is a ticketable offense. I expect it may be, as I never see anyone stopped unless they're broken down.

This drawbridge crosses Young's Bay from Warrenton to Astoria, the direction we're traveling in the photo, and vice-versa. In the the background you can see the much more famous and often-photographed Astoria-Megler Bridge. On the hill to the right is a residential part of Astoria overlooking Young's Bay. To the left is the Columbia River. Every once in awhile I've seen the drawbridge raised for fishing boats that are too tall for the bridge, but I've only had to stop once or twice.

I've shown the bridge from a distance in several earlier photos:

. From the Warrenton side
. From the Astoria side
. From the top of the Astoria Column (top photo)

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


Anonymous said...

I've been on this bridge - and on the big one (long time ago, alas). We used to play a driving game when we were kids where we would hold our breaths while crossing a bridge. The Astoria-Megler Bridge is one we never made it across without gasping for breath!

Wow, thank you so much for the memories! I am now more determined than ever to make it to Astoria this summer!

cieldequimper said...

Nice to drive over it with you. ;-)

I've noticed that it's VERY hard to stop on the roadside in WA and OR...It's usually quite easy here unless you're on a speed motorway and I always wonder when in your part of the world if I'll get a ticket if I do stop just for a couple of photos...

Lee Spangler said...

nice to drive over but totally annoying to cross on a bicycle. no way to enjoy the view when there is no bike lane.

Lowell said...

Very cool bridge. And a great shot from a moving vehicle. Of course, if someone else is driving, you could stop and have the driver pretend to check the tires while you take photos..."Gee, officer, I thought I had a flat!" Heh, heh!

Anonymous said...

A couple of times I've been on the causeway when the wind so blowing so hard and the tide was so high that in was like surf crossing the roadbed

VP said...

It's easy to stop here, too much easy for the traffic.

B SQUARED said...

There are bridges here that I get stopped at daily.

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