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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hardly Disappointing

Deadman's Cove, Cape Disappointment, Washington Deadman's Cove ~ September 14, 2008
Cape Disappointment State Park, Washington

About half an hour's drive from downtown Astoria, across the Columbia River, and past Ilwaco, you come to a trailhead in Cape Disappointment State Park. Not far along, the trail opens onto this incredible cove that looks like it was designed for a pirate movie. There's an even more romantic touch than you can see here - a small island within the cove bearing artistically-placed rocks and trees. Mother Nature did an outstanding job. (Hollywood, eat your heart out!) The cove opens onto the Columbia River, but it's not too far from the ocean. In fact, it's very near the natural mouth of the river before the jetties were built.

I imagine this location has been used in a number of films, but I couldn't tell you which ones. I'll be sure to visit again this year when it stops raining, and also dig through the archives for more photos of this enchanting park. There's lots to see here, and trails to walk. And, with names like these, how can you go wrong?

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


B SQUARED said...

If ever there was a place that was misnamed, this is it.

Unknown said...

How many so beautiful places you are still hiding Sheryl..
Have a great day..

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous - quite green in fact. I love the ocean. I've been to this park, and it is indeed amazingly beautiful. But then, the Oregon and Washington coasts are some of the most beautiful places in the known universe. Just sayin'!

cieldequimper said...

Now that looks just like the coves I know around Quimper so you will have guessed I love it!

Lowell said...

Oh wow, would I love to spend some time there! With Lois! And a bunch of cameras!

Don and Krise said...

It is beautiful there. We certainly are fortunate to live so close to so much.

Lee Spangler said...

beautiful during any season or weather. thx for taking me there.

VP said...

Absolutely great! The perfecct location for a pirates movie, river or not...

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