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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Salmon-colored Azaleas in the Rain

Azaleas in the rain at 11th and Harrison, Astoria, Oregon April 20, 2010

I remember how much I enjoyed seeing and photographing this unusual azalea bush last year when it flowered. It was just before I started Astoria, Oregon, Daily Photo, and the picture didn't make it into the blog. I don't know of another azalea plant of this color locally, but there may be one. The intersection you see is Harrison and 11th. We're looking west, heading down Harrison, then up again on the other side of 11th Street. I've shown this intersection a couple of times before. Once from the other side (also from Harrison Street), and once from almost this same spot, but with snow on the streets.

Azaleas in the Rain, Astoria, Oregon Like some of the trees and bushes in town, this one has pretty green lichens on the branches.

Azaleas in the Rain, Astoria, Oregon As you can see, it's another wet day. The flowers are a perfect color for a town famous for salmon fishing. Do you agree?

Azaleas in the Rain, Astoria, OregonAre these buds opening or closing? I hope they're opening.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


B SQUARED said...

I don't think I have ever seen one like it before. They don't do well here. Our soil is too alkaline.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful unique color for an azalea - I don't recall ever seeing one quite that shade before!

It is certainly a beautiful plant, and your macros are perfect!

cieldequimper said...

We have quite a lot of these salmon ones, aren't they wonderful? I love the general view of the street!

Lee Spangler said...

Astoria sure has beautiful azaleas which means the rhodies are just around the corner.

VP said...

A very strange color (to me!) for beautiful flowers.

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