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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Norwegian Pearl

September 20, 2010

As I was driving back from Warrenton, I noticed that the Norwegian Pearl had just left the dock and was on her way toward the bar and back out to sea. Several cars were parked where the road from the Port Docks meets the river near Young's Bay. It's a great place to watch ships. At the moment, the N.P. didn't seem to be moving, or not very fast. She was in one of my earlier posts.

There are often a lot of seagulls on the bay where it enters the river, but I've never seen them swarm around the front of a ship before. They were here in droves and nowhere else near the ship. Maybe this is common. I don't usually see the ships from this vantage point when they're not moving.

It seems that either the rainy/drizzly weather or dinner was keeping most of the passengers indoors.

A fishing boat was also heading out.

There she goes. The shipping lane is pretty interesting. The bar and then the open ocean are way to the right, then left and out of sight, but the big ships first go left, following the channel and the curve of the land, then they follow the land to the right, making a big long curve before they get to the ocean. If you enlarge the second photo, you'll see a tiny light on a ship way in the distance following this route.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


Lee Spangler said...

excellent commentary..informative objective journalism you areat your best.

Francisca said...

This is a fun series. I especially like the second shot with the gulls. I often see that on boats when the kitchen throws out its organic waste.

Lowell said...

Such a great series of photos! It's interesting how so many cruise ships have "decorated" themselves...

I embiggened the first shot...that is one big ship!

Why is it that cruising doesn't interest me? Maybe 'cause I'm not a gambler?

I would also ditto the remarks made by the very perceptive and wise Mr. Spangler!

B SQUARED said...

It always amazes me how big they are.

VP said...

Back home we see quite often the Norwegian Gem...

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