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Monday, June 28, 2010

A Good Cause: Fundraising for "Shanghaied"

The Astor Street Opry Company raises funds for a new home The Astor Street Opry Company is raising funds for a new home. The company produces Astoria's longest-running play, "Shanghaied in Astoria," which goes into its 26th season on July 8th. To quote their web site, "The Astor Street Opry Company’s Live on Stage… Award winning…Family Entertainment…That Original…Historical, Hysterical…Musical Melodrama… SHANGHAIED IN ASTORIA! This locally written play is part-vaudeville, part-soap opera, and part 1950’s style Hollywood musical – all combined into a fun and entertaining look at traditional local cultural folklore. What originated as a celebration of Astoria tradition has now become a tradition itself. . . ." You can see this sign as you near downtown on Marine Drive. Here they are on Facebook, too.

In the old days, Astoria was one of the towns in which real shanghaiing took place.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


VP said...

Did I mention that your sister city has a whole quarter called Shangai (the Livornese version of Shanghai)?

B SQUARED said...

26 years? Next stop, Broadway.

Lee Spangler said...

it is the only local theater that really draws. Not really high drama but what the hey!

Halcyon said...

I like the signs. Hope they reach their goals.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh. Another thing to check out when I get to Astoria!!!

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