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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Drive-by Astoria #7: Crossing Young's Bay

Astoria, Oregon ~ September 15, 2012
Young's Bay Bridge

Sorry about the discoloration through the windshield, but this is what it looks like crossing from Astoria to Warrenton. We're coming down off of the drawbridge hump and the longest part of the bridge is still ahead. It gets pretty bright out there between the two reflecting expanses of water. The Columbia River is on the right beyond the mouth of Young's Bay (see yesterday's post) and on the left the bay will soon narrow into Young's River. 

This bridge has appeared on the blog in more romantic guises here, here, and here. This is actually Highway 101. It enters Astoria (behind us) and quickly takes you across the much larger Astoria-Megler Bridge to Washington.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


Yukinori Katayama said...

Quite refreshing photo you took, Sheryi! Thanks!!
I hoped this not while you're driving as I sometimes did. ;)

Unknown said...

Looks like a scenic drive.

Lowell said...

Ahem...were you driving when you took this picture? Just wondered, 'cause I would never do such a thing...heh, heh.

I like this bridge a lot...looks like a lot of traffic for the Astoria area, though.

Hope you have a great Sunday!

VP said...

A lot of water and an interesting bridge...

Lee Spangler said...

never tired of this view especially when the sun is shimmering off the water. Nothing like a pleasant afternoon on the coast.

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