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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ilwaco Cemetery

Near Ilwaco, Washington ~ December 2, 2011

One of our goals for the visit to the other side of the river was to help some people on locate their relatives. I got some nice photos in the beautiful late-afternoon light (Cold day, though! Very cold.) but due to bad planning on my part, we may have missed the one they wanted most. Lee tromped all over the cemetery looking for a particular name that I hadn't had the foresight to locate before we left. Actually, the marker may not be there, as others had failed to find it. So, that's a mystery to follow up on - an excuse to go back to Ilwaco on another beautiful day (with better planning). 

I did take some really nice pix of markers for the graves that we did find and soon I'll be uploading them to Find-A-Grave. This is a cool web site where you can locate your ancestors, relatives, genealogical search subjects, or conversely, supply photos and information for others looking for someone departed in your part of the country. You can enter requests for photos and info from far-away locations, or you can put yourself on an e-mail list to find graves of people in your area.

January 1, 2012: I've just discovered "Taphophile Tragics" thanks to Clytie, so am linking this post to it today. Thanks, Julie, this should be interesting!

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


Lowell said...

The late afternoon light is as good as the early morning light! Real photographers get up early, sleep during the day, and go out in the late afternoon. With camera(s). Well, that's what I've heard!

Thanks for the link to "Find-A-Grave." I belong to so I'm going to check it out.

Re your comment about books/bookstores/technology: this is a real dilemma. I surely don't have the answer. I don't want to give up my real books for anything...and right now I don't use electronic books at all. But I'm sure that's in my future

I saw the other day that before long we'll have only four daily newspapers in the U.S.

Quite different from just a few years ago.

When I was teaching school I saw the statistic that 75% of everything we know in the world today has come to us since 1950. I'm sure those figures are even more dramatic now. Kinda scary!

Lee Spangler said...

I know just where to look, I am glad to try it again. In spite of everything it was a valuable day

Pat Tillett said...

Very interesting. I also love that photo! So crisp and that low hanging cloud trying to take over the pic. Hope you are doing well. Happy holidays to you my friend!

Anonymous said...

I love the photo - especially that heart shaped cloud in the middle!!!

I have used Find-A-Grave, and managed to find my great-grandfather's headstone in Alaska - even though his name was spelled wrong on the marker! This is a wonderful and helpful website!

Julie said...

Thanks for your visit to Taphophile Tragics, Sheryl, and for this contribution. The text is fascinating. We have similar sites to find-a-grave here in Australia. I will try to link to them from my drop-downs.

Your photograph reeks of everything that the landscape of a cemetery holds in prospect for a taphophile. To be able to meander amongst the headstones, whilst the light fades is one of my greatest joys.

Once again, thank you for your contribution, and I hope to see you around regularly.

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