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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Autumn Leaves Last August

Astoria, Oregon ~ August 14, 2010

On the day of the Regatta parade last year, I looked up and saw red leaves among the green. I couldn't understand why I was seeing autumn colors in the middle of August! Was the tree sick? Was it dying? Apparently this was a clue from nature. Is red normal in August, or did the trees know what was coming? Without looking at the stats, I can tell you this has been the longest and coldest winter I can remember in my ten years here. I don't know if it's been the wettest, since all winters are very wet here, but I rememer that winter started early and I've had the heater on more than any other year. Speaking of which, it's nice to see blue sky and green in the photo, yes? Is anyone out there ready for spring? (By the way, it seems I did take note and post this picture last August - similar but a different shot. Now in hindsight, it makes sense.)

It's good to be back, and I expect to start posting every day again. I can hardly believe it's been three weeks since my last post. I've been to see family in two states, and I've had a bad cold followed by the worst flu I can ever remember, and the longest to get over. I'll be taking some new photos, but for awhile, I'll also be bringing out new stuff from the archives. I think it will be just as interesting as the new pix. Some days you just get a lot more good photos than others, and I have quite a backlog of those days.

I'll be seeing you around your blogs again  :) 

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, I hope you're feeling better! I'm looking at some nice, blue sky right now, which is a welcome sight!

Unknown said...

Glad you are back as I've been missing my Daily Astoria fix. I'm sorry to hear you were ill, but glad you didn't let it get the best of you.

Lee Spangler said...

glad yur feelin better finally. I know how sick you were and now your picture portends a great Spring for you.

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