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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Downtown between the Raindrops

Astoria, Oregon ~ March 12, 2011
Downtown on Commercial Street

Ah, yes. As Anonymous pointed out in the comments, this is Commercial Street, not "Avenue." Our named streets (going east-west) are named (with a few exceptions) alphabetically. In the business area, the named streets are "Streets," until you get up the hill as far as Franklin, where they become "Avenues." I mistakenly applied "Avenue" to all of the named east-west streets. Now I've got it. The numbered streets are "Streets." Commercial used to be named "Comcomly," after the noted Indian leader of the early days of the settlement.

Re: questions from "Basenji" (also in the comments), there are probably at least as many traffic lights in town as there were in 1978, and the Liberty Theatre has been refurbished, but it is still used for stage productions and concerts. There is a multiplex movie theatre, but it's further east on Marine Drive.

The Astor hotel is used for low-income housing (amazing views!), and the ballroom is being refurbished. I'm not sure what it will be when it opens up.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


cieldequimper said...

Wouldn't mind a stroll there right now, with a brolly of course.

Anonymous said...

When did they change if from Commercial Street to Commercial Avenue?

The 3 Basenji Amigos said...

I see the Astoria Hotel is still standing! Wonder what it is being used for now? Commericial Street looks exactly the same as when I moved away in 1978.

tapirgal said...

Hi, I have updated the post with some replies. Thanks for your comments!

Francisca said...

Lucky low income people who can live in Hotel Astoria! Great street shot with wonderful sky and lighting. I can almost feel the crisp after-rain air.

Lowell said...

A very nice-looking downtown ... rather what a real downtown should look like! I hope it stays that way!

Anonymous said...

Hey! How did you manage to get a "between" the raindrops? We've had nearly steady rain here in the Valley! Not fair!!!

Made for a gorgeous picture, though with the blue skies and dark clouds.

Pat Tillett said...

this looks like a good area to walk through with a camera!

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