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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where Cecil Lives

Astoria, Oregon ~ November 14, 2011

The other day, I showed you a picture of a long trailer with Cecil's picture on it. Here is his new home in the Pier 11 building. It was cold and wet and the wind was picking up when I took these photos. The sky seemed ready to make a dark day even darker, so I thought I'd wait for better lighting before going inside to reveal Cecil himself in all his wooden glory. I hope Cecil's Grill has a long and prosperous life. It's the most recent in a chain of many restaurants in this location. My friend Francisca will remember a pleasant evening we spent chatting over a project here one night in the pouring rain with a fantastic view of the river and munchy hors d'oeuvres. I've always loved the warning sign in the second photo!

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


Yukinori Katayama said...

Thanks, show me the map Sheryl. I like to go there this weekend! ;)

Birdman said...

My theory... restaurants w/ Open signs? Pass!

Lowell said...

I think Cecil's would be an excellent place to reconnoiter after fleeing the unruly elements! If I lived in Astoria, I'd join you there in a minute.

You are OK? You don't "owe" me anything but it's always nice to hear from you - we think of you often!

cieldequimper said...

I'm hoping to try it one day. I still haven't made it to the coast this year.

Francisca said...

That is a precious spot, for sure! And we had a great conversation that night, I recall clearly. Wonder why the place keeps changing hands? Bad feng shui?

I have to LOL at the warning sign... this happened to me a few weeks ago when my honey and I went bicycling in Kaiping! I was riding this snazzy new bike, I came to a 3-inch ledge and thought I could easily jump it, Danny MacAskill style (see my Bicycle post a few days ago), but instead, I didn't get the front wheel high enough and ended being bucked like on a horse. It was amazing: I flew straight ahead and landed on the concrete sidewalk RIGHT on my upper thighs! Not knees, not hips, not upper body... JUST my thighs! Plus my hands to break the rest of the fall. No damage besides a few bruises. I still cannot SEE how I flew, but that image on your sign must be pretty close! I dusted myself off, got back on my bike and was glad my honey didn't see it. LOL!!

Small City Scenes said...

Sheryl--nice to see you on your blog again.
another beautiful gray day in the great PNW--yes? Gotta get down your way one day. MB

Pat Tillett said...

I love waterfronts! Even when it's gloomy, I love it. Back in the day, I used to spend a lot of time in Eureka. Gloomy and rainy yes, but with a ton of character. Just like in this group of photos....

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