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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Purple on the Water Front

Astoria, Oregon ~ July 18, 2011

Can anyone tell me the name of these purple flowers? If I ever knew it, it escapes me today. (Hmmm, maybe some variety of lilac?) [Thanks to everyone who said it was a BUTTERFLY BUSH.] I've been noticing flowers and color all season, and when my photos aren't of ships, they usually include flora. I'm sure many of you will recognize the location as being right next to the interesting dumpsters on the 12th Street pier showing the Sears building in the background (right side of the photo). I think our cold, wet spring and late-blooming summer has given us gorgeous blossoms well into summer.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.


Sueso said...

It's a Butterfly Bush...They say it's a noxious weed but I love ours...! :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like a sumac flowerhead to me.

Lowell said...

I dunno. One of the many things I dunno. Not unlike our crepe myrtles, though. Pretty.

So nice to hear from you! Hard to believe summer is winding down already...hope your summer has been a good one!

Francisca said...

I'm the last person to ask about names of anything. Lilac did come to mind, but I'd go check out this butterfly bush again... they are a magnet for butterflies I just read.

Halcyon said...

I was thinking maybe wisteria. But whatever it is, it's very pretty!

Anonymous said...

I've always heard them called "butterfly bush" too. My neighbor has some, and the swallowtail butterflies are thick there this year!!!

Unknown said...

I have no idea but the blossoms are fantastic! Great find.

tapirgal said...

Thanks, everyone! The consensus is, it's a butterfly bush! I'll change the post.

J.Schu. said...

I know that very bush from going by there, and have thought of a photo but you beat me to it -- good one! I'm glad you found out the name!

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