Several families of Canada geese have taken up residence here in a sort of bay along the river between Stephanie's Cabin restaurant and some industrial warehouses. I took the photo standing on the River Walk, which at this point is an elevated wooden platform holding up the Riverfront Trolley tracks. In recent years, it's been widened and fenced to create an easy way to see the river's sights by foot or bike. Just beyond the top of the photo is Marine Drive. The tide is low at the moment, but the river will cover the pilings. This huge log has drifted in on the current, and one day will probably find its way out to the river again to be carried to the sea. You may have to click on the photo to see the geese. It seems only a few days ago, but it must be longer, that walked this way and saw the parent geese with their half-grown goslings all yellow-brown and fuzzy. Now they're fledged nearly the color of the parents. I think one reason they like this bay is because food is so plentiful. They were pecking at the pilings one at a time in almost freaky unison before settling down.
One of the interesting things in this photo is the tufts of grass growing on the pilings - one is at the lower right, and a more spectacular lopsided one is growning on a piling towards the upper right. The pilings collect seeds and turn into forests, not only of grass, but even of small trees and other leafy plants. If the area around them were not so unforgivingly tidal, the whole place would be forested by now. Nature sure does have a way of taking back its territory if you let it - even on a piling in the river. And with 70 to 100 inches of rain per year here, it doesn't take that long.
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The regular green patterns are wonderful.
What a striking photo - I love it! It's fascinating that the pilings are sprouting life - I've seen old gateposts do similar. The strong geometric quality of the picture is really unusual. Really well spotted - thank you for showing us!
Beautiful,lovely and fantastic !!Unseen Rajasthan
Cute as can be. There are some pilings along the water here that already had the tufts of grass. Last year someone went and added some soil and bulbs. Mostly daffodils. Pretty colorful pilings now. Nice picture Sheryl.
I love the old pilings. Out here at the waters edge both in Stanwood and Camano Island are many many pilings. There were so many mills and logging companies years ago and all that is left are the piling standing tribute to days gone by. MB
Oh Sheryl...super doubled hitter for Nature Notes and Think Green Thursday. I did enlarge the photo and the geese must like it there as they are in their flightless molt about now for several weeks and need a safe place with a good food supply. I also like that you took something so easily overlooked as the life that occurs on the pilings. Very cool!!! -Michelle Of Rambling Woods...
The power of Nature. Isn't it fantastic?
Good one....
Lovely photo...and thanks for the great commentary, Sheryl. We see the same thing here in Florida re: nature reclaiming its own. If something is neglected for even a short time, it is soon covered with greenery!
What a wonderful shot! It's almost abstract when you first look at it. Loved the commentary too! Thanks for sharing!
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